Internationale Service de rencontre |
Belles réussites
2 Témoignages / 36 Belles réussites
InterKontakt NET let opportunies for many people to find love and hapiness, and they're proud to share it with you.
We finalised the marriage last friday!!!! We met here and thank you for the introduction!!!!
Ирина  et
Willi 17 Oct 2016
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Дорогие друзья Интерконтакт! Мы хотим поблагодарить Вас! Почти год назад я и Вилли познакомились на Вашем сайте. И сейчас мы счастливая семья, благодаря Вам! Без Вашей помощи мы никогда бы не встретились! Желаем всем найти свое счастье и любовь! Интерконтакт - Вы лучшая команда! Успехов вам и процветания!
Irina (50 ans) Russie, Moscow [IRI6100]
Дорогие друзья Интерконтакт! Мы хотим поблагодарить Вас!<br>Почти год назад я и Вилли познакомились на Вашем сайте....
Irina (50 ans) Russie, Moscow [IRI6100]
Дорогие друзья Интерконтакт! Мы хотим поблагодарить Вас!<br>Почти год назад я и Вилли познакомились на Вашем сайте....
Irina (50 ans) Russie, Moscow [IRI6100]
Дорогие друзья Интерконтакт! Мы хотим поблагодарить Вас!<br>Почти год назад я и Вилли познакомились на Вашем сайте....
Irina (50 ans) Russie, Moscow [IRI6100]
Дорогие друзья Интерконтакт! Мы хотим поблагодарить Вас!<br>Почти год назад я и Вилли познакомились на Вашем сайте....
André  et
Irina 26 Jun 2016
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Danke Interkontakt!
Wir habe uns hier vor ca. 4 Jahren gefunden, haben während dieser Zeit, viel Zeit miteinander verbracht, habe eine Menge Urlaub zusammen an den verschiedensten Orten dieser Welt gemacht. Und ja wir lieben uns und haben am 06.05.2016 in Deutschland geheiratet. Jetzt kämpfen wir immer noch um alle Papiere zu bekommen, mit der Krankenversicherung. Aber egal, es ist eine Erfolgsstory und ich danke Euch dafür!!!
Allen Anderen wünschen wir den gleiche Erfolg,
André und Irina
mam na imię Piotr. W 2014 roku założyłem konto na waszej stronie z myślą,żeby poznam kogoś. Opłaciłem członkostwo i zacząłem szukać swojej drugiej połówki. 19 września napisała do mnie pani z Tajlandii. Bardzo szybko zaczęliśmy ze sobą rozmawiać na skype. Te rozmowy przybliżały nas do siebie , rozwijały nasze marzenia i budowały miłość.
W lutym 2015 roku postanowiliśmy się spotkać. wspaniała kobieta , jak szybko wróciłem od niej tak szybko znowu do niej pojechałem. Dziś ona jest u mnie. Bardzo się kochamy i planujemy ślub. Bardzo chcemy zrobić to w czerwcu tego roku w Tajlandii.
Muszę przyznać ,że wiele mamy z tym problemów, ale dajemy radę. chcę podzielić się z wami moim szczęściem.
Poprostu kocham!!!!!!!
Dziekuje w imieniu swoim i mojej ukochanej!
Pozdrawaim, Piotr
Piotr (58 ans) Pologne, Accrington [PIO7545]
Witam,<br><br>mam na imię Piotr. <br>W 2014 roku założyłem konto na waszej stronie z myślą,żeby poznam kogoś. Opłaciłem członkostwo i zacząłem szukać swojej drugiej połówki. 19 września...
Piotr (58 ans) Pologne, Accrington [PIO7545]
Witam,<br><br>mam na imię Piotr. <br>W 2014 roku założyłem konto na waszej stronie z myślą,żeby poznam kogoś. Opłaciłem członkostwo i zacząłem szukać swojej drugiej połówki. 19 września...
Piotr (58 ans) Pologne, Accrington [PIO7545]
Witam,<br><br>mam na imię Piotr. <br>W 2014 roku założyłem konto na waszej stronie z myślą,żeby poznam kogoś. Opłaciłem członkostwo i zacząłem szukać swojej drugiej połówki. 19 września...
Piotr (58 ans) Pologne, Accrington [PIO7545]
Witam,<br><br>mam na imię Piotr. <br>W 2014 roku założyłem konto na waszej stronie z myślą,żeby poznam kogoś. Opłaciłem członkostwo i zacząłem szukać swojej drugiej połówki. 19 września...
Piotr (58 ans) Pologne, Accrington [PIO7545]
Witam,<br><br>mam na imię Piotr. <br>W 2014 roku założyłem konto na waszej stronie z myślą,żeby poznam kogoś. Opłaciłem członkostwo i zacząłem szukać swojej drugiej połówki. 19 września...
Piotr (58 ans) Pologne, Accrington [PIO7545]
Witam,<br><br>mam na imię Piotr. <br>W 2014 roku założyłem konto na waszej stronie z myślą,żeby poznam kogoś. Opłaciłem członkostwo i zacząłem szukać swojej drugiej połówki. 19 września...
Piotr (58 ans) Pologne, Accrington [PIO7545]
Witam,<br><br>mam na imię Piotr. <br>W 2014 roku założyłem konto na waszej stronie z myślą,żeby poznam kogoś. Opłaciłem członkostwo i zacząłem szukać swojej drugiej połówki. 19 września...
Doug  et
Charilyn 01 Dec 2015
Belle histoire
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I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt in 2010 and we immediately began chatting and skyping to each other every single day until finally I was able to come and visit her and her family in the Philippines. A few months later we got engaged while on a trip to Cebu in Feb. of 2011 and then married in her home town, later that year. I then began the Visa process for her to come to Canada, and then we went on a few trips to Boracay and then Thailand as we waited for the processing. Finally she arrived in Vancouver in Nov. of 2012 and about a year and a half later, we had the gift of a a beautiful baby girl added to our new family when our daughter was born in March of 2014. We have since visited to the Philippines again in the Spring of this year so that Charilyn's family could join us in celebrating our daughter's Baptism and 1st Birthday. We were also able to finally see our new completed house that we had built there. So it has now been a wonderful 5 and a half years since we first met and so it is with tremendous gratitude that we say thank-you to an incredible site that allows people from all over the world to unite. Doug & Charilyn Selman
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Don (72 année) Canada, Powell River [DOU2532]
I wish to post a long overdue, huge thank-you, to the folks at the Interkontakt website for making it possible for me to meet the most beautiful love of my life, - my wife Charilyn. We first met on Interkontakt...
Hubertus  et
Tatjana 23 Aug 2015
Belle histoire
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Danke Interkontakt!
Wir haben uns am 26.09.2014 das Ja-Wort in Warburg gegeben. Ich bin sehr glücklich mit meiner Frau Tatsiana. Wir verbringen den Urlaub in Bobrujsk und wir treffen dort Freunde Verwandte und meine Familie
Liebe Grüße Tanja und Hubertus
Hubertus (59 ans) Allemagne, Warburg [HUB8789]
Danke Interkontakt!<br><br>Wir haben uns am 26.09.2014 das Ja-Wort in Warburg gegeben.<br>Ich bin sehr glücklich mit meiner Frau Tatsiana.<br>Wir verbringen den Urlaub in Bobrujsk und wir treffen dort...
Hubertus (59 ans) Allemagne, Warburg [HUB8789]
Danke Interkontakt!<br><br>Wir haben uns am 26.09.2014 das Ja-Wort in Warburg gegeben.<br>Ich bin sehr glücklich mit meiner Frau Tatsiana.<br>Wir verbringen den Urlaub in Bobrujsk und wir treffen dort...
Hubertus (59 ans) Allemagne, Warburg [HUB8789]
Danke Interkontakt!<br><br>Wir haben uns am 26.09.2014 das Ja-Wort in Warburg gegeben.<br>Ich bin sehr glücklich mit meiner Frau Tatsiana.<br>Wir verbringen den Urlaub in Bobrujsk und wir treffen dort...
Hubertus (59 ans) Allemagne, Warburg [HUB8789]
Danke Interkontakt!<br><br>Wir haben uns am 26.09.2014 das Ja-Wort in Warburg gegeben.<br>Ich bin sehr glücklich mit meiner Frau Tatsiana.<br>Wir verbringen den Urlaub in Bobrujsk und wir treffen dort...
Hubertus (59 ans) Allemagne, Warburg [HUB8789]
Danke Interkontakt!<br><br>Wir haben uns am 26.09.2014 das Ja-Wort in Warburg gegeben.<br>Ich bin sehr glücklich mit meiner Frau Tatsiana.<br>Wir verbringen den Urlaub in Bobrujsk und wir treffen dort...
Hubertus (59 ans) Allemagne, Warburg [HUB8789]
Danke Interkontakt!<br><br>Wir haben uns am 26.09.2014 das Ja-Wort in Warburg gegeben.<br>Ich bin sehr glücklich mit meiner Frau Tatsiana.<br>Wir verbringen den Urlaub in Bobrujsk und wir treffen dort...
Gabriela  et
Bjorn 03 Aug 2015
Belle histoire
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I was a member on the page I'm from Colombian and thanks to this page...
because.... I have found my love from Germany!!
I'm so happy!!!!
Now I hope my mother will be find like me a good man for her ::: for that I have helped her to create a new profile here:-)
Thanks Interkontakt page! You make my life so happy! I have found the love of my life..
Blesses for youuuuu :)
Good job!
Gaby und Bjorn
Kolombianfrau (63 année) Colombie, Medellin [KOL5936]
I was a member on the page I'm from Colombian and thanks to this page...<br><br>because.... I have found my love from Germany!!<br><br>I'm so happy!!!!<br><br>Now I hope my mother will be find like me...
Kolombianfrau (63 année) Colombie, Medellin [KOL5936]
I was a member on the page I'm from Colombian and thanks to this page...<br><br>because.... I have found my love from Germany!!<br><br>I'm so happy!!!!<br><br>Now I hope my mother will be find like me...
Kolombianfrau (63 année) Colombie, Medellin [KOL5936]
I was a member on the page I'm from Colombian and thanks to this page...<br><br>because.... I have found my love from Germany!!<br><br>I'm so happy!!!!<br><br>Now I hope my mother will be find like me...
arelis  et
tony 08 Jul 2014
Belle histoire
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I want to thank this site for giving me the opportunity to meet my current husband and encourage others to continue looking for her better half.
My husband and I met on 25th of August, from there we talked by email every day because we had difficulties with both our respective languages, that was no obstacle to inviting him to come to my country.
We met in December, then kept in touch and in about one year married.
We have already completed one year of happy marriage and now expect my visa to go live with my husband.
Thanks Interkontak!!
Arelis (59 ans) République dominicaine, Santo Domingo [ARE5535]
I want to thank this site for giving me the opportunity to meet my current husband and encourage others to continue looking for her better half. <br><br>My husband and I met on 25th of August, from there...
Arelis (59 ans) République dominicaine, Santo Domingo [ARE5535]
I want to thank this site for giving me the opportunity to meet my current husband and encourage others to continue looking for her better half. <br><br>My husband and I met on 25th of August, from there...
Arelis (59 ans) République dominicaine, Santo Domingo [ARE5535]
I want to thank this site for giving me the opportunity to meet my current husband and encourage others to continue looking for her better half. <br><br>My husband and I met on 25th of August, from there...
Arelis (59 ans) République dominicaine, Santo Domingo [ARE5535]
I want to thank this site for giving me the opportunity to meet my current husband and encourage others to continue looking for her better half. <br><br>My husband and I met on 25th of August, from there...
Arelis (59 ans) République dominicaine, Santo Domingo [ARE5535]
I want to thank this site for giving me the opportunity to meet my current husband and encourage others to continue looking for her better half. <br><br>My husband and I met on 25th of August, from there...
Natalia  et
Erich 07 Apr 2014
Belle histoire
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I would like to say Thank You very much Interkontakt for your help. I have found my sekond half , my husband !!! We got married 14 december 2013 and We are Happy. I live in Austria , can speak already German and have new wonderful friends :) Austria is wonderful country and i enjoy staying here with my beloved husband. Thank You ! I wish all people to finde real love.
Natalia (45 ans) Russie, Rostov [NAT4589]
I would like to say Thank You very much Interkontakt for your help. I have found my sekond half , my husband !!! We got married 14 december 2013 and We are Happy. I live in Austria , can speak already...
Natalia (45 ans) Russie, Rostov [NAT4589]
I would like to say Thank You very much Interkontakt for your help. I have found my sekond half , my husband !!! We got married 14 december 2013 and We are Happy. I live in Austria , can speak already...
Natalia (45 ans) Russie, Rostov [NAT4589]
I would like to say Thank You very much Interkontakt for your help. I have found my sekond half , my husband !!! We got married 14 december 2013 and We are Happy. I live in Austria , can speak already...
Natalia (45 ans) Russie, Rostov [NAT4589]
I would like to say Thank You very much Interkontakt for your help. I have found my sekond half , my husband !!! We got married 14 december 2013 and We are Happy. I live in Austria , can speak already...
Natalia (45 ans) Russie, Rostov [NAT4589]
I would like to say Thank You very much Interkontakt for your help. I have found my sekond half , my husband !!! We got married 14 december 2013 and We are Happy. I live in Austria , can speak already...
Natalia (45 ans) Russie, Rostov [NAT4589]
I would like to say Thank You very much Interkontakt for your help. I have found my sekond half , my husband !!! We got married 14 december 2013 and We are Happy. I live in Austria , can speak already...
Natalia (45 ans) Russie, Rostov [NAT4589]
I would like to say Thank You very much Interkontakt for your help. I have found my sekond half , my husband !!! We got married 14 december 2013 and We are Happy. I live in Austria , can speak already...
Natalia (45 ans) Russie, Rostov [NAT4589]
I would like to say Thank You very much Interkontakt for your help. I have found my sekond half , my husband !!! We got married 14 december 2013 and We are Happy. I live in Austria , can speak already...
analiza biaco  et
johann peinhaupt 15 Sep 2013
Belle histoire
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first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me.
It was my husband!
Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.
We are now happy married. I'm waiting for visum and we can finally start to live forever together.
I hope we don't have to wait for too long.
I missing you my husband and I love you so much!!!
Thank you again!!! and good luck for all of you!!
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Althea (44 année) Philippines, Gasan [ALT8327]
Hello,<br><br>first of all I would like to say thank you god for send me a beautiful great gift to me. <br><br>It was my husband!<br><br>Secondly I would like to thank you Interkontakt for good service.<br><br>We...
Hans- Dieter  et
Paulina 04 Apr 2013
Belle histoire
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Kurz und endschlossen haben Paulina und ich am 01. Dezember 2011
uns das Ja Wort gegeben. Seit mitte Mai 2012 Leben wir nun zusammen
abwechselt mal in Manila und in Batangas .
Meine Entscheidung hier auf die Philippnen zu ziehen habe ich nicht
bereut. Habe eine sehr gute Frau bekommen, was besseres hätte mir
nicht passieren können.
Hans-Dieter (79 ans) Allemagne, Hannover [DIE5632]
Kurz und endschlossen haben Paulina und ich am 01. Dezember 2011<br><br>uns das Ja Wort gegeben. Seit mitte Mai 2012 Leben wir nun zusammen<br><br>abwechselt mal in Manila und in Batangas . <br><br>Meine...
Hans-Dieter (79 ans) Allemagne, Hannover [DIE5632]
Kurz und endschlossen haben Paulina und ich am 01. Dezember 2011<br><br>uns das Ja Wort gegeben. Seit mitte Mai 2012 Leben wir nun zusammen<br><br>abwechselt mal in Manila und in Batangas . <br><br>Meine...
Hans-Dieter (79 ans) Allemagne, Hannover [DIE5632]
Kurz und endschlossen haben Paulina und ich am 01. Dezember 2011<br><br>uns das Ja Wort gegeben. Seit mitte Mai 2012 Leben wir nun zusammen<br><br>abwechselt mal in Manila und in Batangas . <br><br>Meine...
Hans-Dieter (79 ans) Allemagne, Hannover [DIE5632]
Kurz und endschlossen haben Paulina und ich am 01. Dezember 2011<br><br>uns das Ja Wort gegeben. Seit mitte Mai 2012 Leben wir nun zusammen<br><br>abwechselt mal in Manila und in Batangas . <br><br>Meine...
Hans-Dieter (79 ans) Allemagne, Hannover [DIE5632]
Kurz und endschlossen haben Paulina und ich am 01. Dezember 2011<br><br>uns das Ja Wort gegeben. Seit mitte Mai 2012 Leben wir nun zusammen<br><br>abwechselt mal in Manila und in Batangas . <br><br>Meine...
Fhai  et
Allan 10 Mar 2013
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Thank you interkontakt for bringing us together to spend our whole life forever together...since from the day we talk and exchanging emails we love each other and we knew from then that we were really meant to each other..my canadian hubby was visited me last 2012 to propose a marriage to me and we got engage on valentines day...after a year of waiting to his divorce paper we finally got wed this feb 19 2013...now he needs to get back home and I need to wait for our document and ill be there soon and live a simple life and love each other forever....thanks to this site...
Fhai (49 ans) Philippines, Tarlac [FHA5847]
Thank you interkontakt for bringing us together to spend our whole life forever together...since from the day we talk and exchanging emails we love each other and we knew from then that we were really...
Fhai (49 ans) Philippines, Tarlac [FHA5847]
Thank you interkontakt for bringing us together to spend our whole life forever together...since from the day we talk and exchanging emails we love each other and we knew from then that we were really...
Fhai (49 ans) Philippines, Tarlac [FHA5847]
Thank you interkontakt for bringing us together to spend our whole life forever together...since from the day we talk and exchanging emails we love each other and we knew from then that we were really...
Fhai (49 ans) Philippines, Tarlac [FHA5847]
Thank you interkontakt for bringing us together to spend our whole life forever together...since from the day we talk and exchanging emails we love each other and we knew from then that we were really...
Fhai (49 ans) Philippines, Tarlac [FHA5847]
Thank you interkontakt for bringing us together to spend our whole life forever together...since from the day we talk and exchanging emails we love each other and we knew from then that we were really...
Fhai (49 ans) Philippines, Tarlac [FHA5847]
Thank you interkontakt for bringing us together to spend our whole life forever together...since from the day we talk and exchanging emails we love each other and we knew from then that we were really...
Fhai (49 ans) Philippines, Tarlac [FHA5847]
Thank you interkontakt for bringing us together to spend our whole life forever together...since from the day we talk and exchanging emails we love each other and we knew from then that we were really...
Ludmila  et
Wolfgang 07 Feb 2013
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Thank you for every one and thank for this site I have found the man of my life. He came in my country Uzbekistan from German. We love each other so much.Soon we are going to get marriage. Thank you !!! Ludmila and Wolfgang.
Ludmila (58 ans) Ouzbékistan, Tashkent [LUD6227]
Thank you for every one and thank for this site I have found the man of my life. He came in my country Uzbekistan from German. We love each other so much.Soon we are going to get marriage.<br>Thank you...
Ludmila (58 ans) Ouzbékistan, Tashkent [LUD6227]
Thank you for every one and thank for this site I have found the man of my life. He came in my country Uzbekistan from German. We love each other so much.Soon we are going to get marriage.<br>Thank you...
Ludmila (58 ans) Ouzbékistan, Tashkent [LUD6227]
Thank you for every one and thank for this site I have found the man of my life. He came in my country Uzbekistan from German. We love each other so much.Soon we are going to get marriage.<br>Thank you...
Ludmila (58 ans) Ouzbékistan, Tashkent [LUD6227]
Thank you for every one and thank for this site I have found the man of my life. He came in my country Uzbekistan from German. We love each other so much.Soon we are going to get marriage.<br>Thank you...
regina  et
andreas 08 Jan 2013
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i joined this site, to help find the man of my life.... I met a lot of friends including my Andreas. after a couple of years that we are chatting through this site, we decide to enter the holy sacrament of matrimony. We had a civil wedding first then a church wedding. Now we are happily living and building and new family in Switzerland. KUDOS TO THIS SITE INTERKONTAKT. More power...............
Regina (47 ans) Philippines, Taguig City [REG2726]
i joined this site, to help find the man of my life.... I met a lot of friends including my Andreas. after a couple of years that we are chatting through this site, we decide to enter the holy sacrament...
Regina (47 ans) Philippines, Taguig City [REG2726]
i joined this site, to help find the man of my life.... I met a lot of friends including my Andreas. after a couple of years that we are chatting through this site, we decide to enter the holy sacrament...
Regina (47 ans) Philippines, Taguig City [REG2726]
i joined this site, to help find the man of my life.... I met a lot of friends including my Andreas. after a couple of years that we are chatting through this site, we decide to enter the holy sacrament...
Regina (47 ans) Philippines, Taguig City [REG2726]
i joined this site, to help find the man of my life.... I met a lot of friends including my Andreas. after a couple of years that we are chatting through this site, we decide to enter the holy sacrament...
Regina (47 ans) Philippines, Taguig City [REG2726]
i joined this site, to help find the man of my life.... I met a lot of friends including my Andreas. after a couple of years that we are chatting through this site, we decide to enter the holy sacrament...
Regina (47 ans) Philippines, Taguig City [REG2726]
i joined this site, to help find the man of my life.... I met a lot of friends including my Andreas. after a couple of years that we are chatting through this site, we decide to enter the holy sacrament...
Regina (47 ans) Philippines, Taguig City [REG2726]
i joined this site, to help find the man of my life.... I met a lot of friends including my Andreas. after a couple of years that we are chatting through this site, we decide to enter the holy sacrament...
TESSIE 15 Nov 2012
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Dear Interkontakt,
This is to let you know that I am today in the Philippines, 15 Nov 2012, and have been here with the girl I met on this site 5 months ago, for the last week. I have asked her to marry me and she has accepted we are travelling together for another 3 weeks. We are arranging to marry in May 2013.
Thank you so much for bringing us together.
Светлана  et
Питер 10 Nov 2012
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Спасибо вам огромное. Мы познакомились на вашем сайте. Мы очень благодарны вам, что вы дали нам такую возможность. Мы очень счастливы. Я хочу обратиться ко все людям! Ищите и вы обязательно найдете свою половину...главное только в это верить.
Tony 23 Oct 2012
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I met a very beautiful woman on here from the RD and fell in love with her after a week of writing to each other. We know each other 2 months now....She is intelligent, very romantic, articulate, and has the face and personality of an angel...we write to each other 3 times a day, and plan to meet in December, we cannot speak each others languages, but our letters speak louder than words...she wants nothing from me, has asked for nothing but i know she would give me anything she could and i now feel the same about her....her friend at work recommended this site, very lucky for me .....she is one in a million
Heiko  et
Amelie 02 Oct 2012
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Hello Everybody!
I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!!
I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay here for 2 weeks. I crossed the oceans to meet my girlfriend personally. In fact, I love her so much.
We're now preparing our papers for our marriage. I will back to Jakarta in this september to marry my sweetheart.
Once again than you InterKontakt for making us together!!!!!!!!!!!!
On 28 sept 2012 we finally married!!!!! Thank you! God bless us!!!!
Greetings from Heiko and Amelie.
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Heiko (58 ans) Allemagne, Eichigt/tiefenbrunn [HEI8350]
Hello Everybody!<br><br>I would like to say thank you so much for this site InterKontakt for helping me to find my dream woman in my life!!! <br><br>I am currently in Jakarta with my girl friend. I stay...
Merlyn  et
Peter 19 Jul 2012
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im a member in this site since 2010 but almost 1 year i didnt open this InterKontact im working here in Cyprus since 2008 and met my man thru chating in this site last feb 28, we met 2 times here in Cyprus and plan for the 3rd meeting on september we are both inlove for each other. Thanks to InterKontact! More power and god bless..........
leopold dostal  et
mairi 05 Jul 2012
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Hello everybody!
On February 21 I went to Vietnam and married the woman of my life!
I really thank Interkontakt!
Suzui (44 année) Australie, Syney [MAI9334]
Hello everybody!<br><br>On February 21 I went to Vietnam and married the woman of my life!<br><br>I really thank Interkontakt!
Suzui (44 année) Australie, Syney [MAI9334]
Hello everybody!<br><br>On February 21 I went to Vietnam and married the woman of my life!<br><br>I really thank Interkontakt!
Suzui (44 année) Australie, Syney [MAI9334]
Hello everybody!<br><br>On February 21 I went to Vietnam and married the woman of my life!<br><br>I really thank Interkontakt!
Suzui (44 année) Australie, Syney [MAI9334]
Hello everybody!<br><br>On February 21 I went to Vietnam and married the woman of my life!<br><br>I really thank Interkontakt!